Health & Fitness

Sleep Matters: the Pros and Cons of Technology

Advancements in technology during the 21st century have had a transformational impact on many of the things people do each day.

From online shopping to digital communications and more, technology has made our lives run much more smoothly than was previously the case.

However, one area where its influence has been a little hit and miss is sleep – a point hammered home by a recent online casino Betway study.

Read on as we take a closer look at some of the ways technology can affect sleep, both from a positive and negative perspective.

Technology and your pre-bedtime routine

The aforementioned study found that the use of technology in the run-up to sleep can be hugely detrimental to getting good quality shuteye.

Participants who watched the news, true crime programmes or horror films on television ended up getting the worst sleep during the two-week study.

Mobile gaming and scrolling through social media were also found to be activities that people should avoid before going to sleep.

However, it was not all doom and gloom for technology as a sleep aid, with watching a comedy film and listening to relaxing music ranked in the top four activities to undertake before sleep.

Meditating for 30 minutes was at the top of the pile, providing participants with top-quality sleep and the least amount of disruption each night.

Technology in the bedroom

Numerous research studies claim the blue light emitted by digital devices in the bedroom can harm your chances of getting a good night’s sleep.

Blue light can suppress the secretion of melatonin and play havoc with your circadian rhythm, making it difficult to get the requisite amount of sleep each night.

Sleep expert Matthew Walker has conducted extensive research into sleep and believes people should make their bedroom environment a sanctuary that is free from any type of technology.

“Think of the ideal bedroom as a prehistoric cave somewhere in the Great North – cool, dark, and gadget-free,” Walker said.

“Charge your phone in another room, get rid of electronics that cause noise, and ditch the alarm clock, which can make you hyper-aware of every passing minute.”

Technology as a sleep aid

While Walker advocates banning digital devices from the bedroom, other experts believe technology can actually play a positive role in supporting our sleep.

For example, cooling systems such as the ChiliPad Cube which regulate the temperature of your mattress have been proven to help people sleep better at night.

Ebb Insomnia Therapy is another technology powered product that has had a significant impact in tackling a condition suffered by millions of people worldwide.

The headband system cools the forehead to calm brain activity and initiate sleep. It is connected to a bedside unit which controls the temperature to keep it constant.

Wireless earbuds and smart sleep masks are among a plethora of other technology products that have had a positive impact on the quality of sleep.

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